Shemos 5784

After moving to Israel as a bachelor in my mid-twenties I had the privilege of being a regular guest at the shabbos table of the Biale Rebbe of Givat Shaul in Jerusalem. This was my first exposure to Hassidim, and I was really taken by the  zemiros, Torah, and tischen.  Every Shabbos meal was different, … Continue reading Shemos 5784

A thought on parshas Metzora because Yogi inspired me – Its all a gift

this is a picture of a gift. I typed gift into google and copied the image and pasted it here. Yogi sent me some of his thoughts on why the metzora shouts out "tamei, tamei", twice, and he inspired me to also write down a thought on the parsha. So thank you Yoav. A few … Continue reading A thought on parshas Metzora because Yogi inspired me – Its all a gift

“Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can’t, you’re right.”

Ever have those crappy runs? You feel heavy, slow, you begin to hurt in strange ways in strange places, not sure if carrying on will result in an injury, or if you can just make it to the next lampost you might be able to get into a groove? But when you reach the lampost … Continue reading “Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can’t, you’re right.”